MasterClass on Hoopla

Hoopla is an app that patrons are able to access through CALS for free. Patrons can “check out” movies, TV shows, and graphic novels. Recently, Hoopla has begun adding MasterClass to the roster of available videos. MasterClass videos are tutorials and lectures pre-recorded by experts in various fields. Currently, CALS has access to five MasterClasses, with each topic providing a series of classes from experts in their respective fields. Watch any of the 13 episodes on scientific thinking and communication from Neil deGrasse Tyson or watch up to 13 episodes of in-depth Mexican cooking with Gabriela Cámara. Additional classes include yoga with Donna Farhi, Black history with Angela Davis and Cornel West, and the art of storytelling with Neil Gaiman.

To access these MasterClass sessions, log into hoopla either from your desktop of phone app, and search “Masterclass.” Each class can be “checked out” for up to three days. Find all of the available apps for CALS patrons here.