Count UP Math Tutoring Program

Thank you for your interest in participating in or volunteering to tutor in our Count Up Math Tutoring Program. At this time the Count Up program is full for students. If you are interested in future openings, please fill out the interest form below.

If you are interested in volunteering as a tutor please proceed with filling out the volunteer application and you will be contacted immediately. Parents and students who fill out the interest form will be contacted as soon as we have an opening.

If you have questions, please email us at

About Count UP

Count UP is a free after-school math tutoring program for K-12 students in Central Arkansas. Through this program, created by the Central Arkansas Library System and supported by an ESSER grant, experienced tutors are matched with students to provide personalized support and guidance. Our program offers one-on-one tutoring tailored to students, both for assistance with math homework and more intensive work on building math skills.

Count UP aims to establish and nurture a diverse and mutually supportive community of K-12 students and tutors who achieve mathematics growth and are empowered to explore and pursue their academic and personal goals.

Fore more information please download the Count UP One Sheet in English or Spanish.

Use Brainfuse Helpnow to connect to online assistance with your math homework. You can also get assistance with homework in any other subject, and much more. Brainfuse Helpnow can be used for free by any one with a CALS library card or a CALS student tech card.

Brainfuse HelpNow

Brainfuse HelpNow provides on demand, anytime, anywhere eLearning for all ages and levels. HelpNow offers personalized homework help in core subjects (math, reading, writing, science and social studies) including SAT preparation. The Adult Learning Center is included in the HelpNow suite. Live tutors are available online from 2:00 PM to 11:00 PM each day for direct assistance. HelpNow will support the new Count UP math tutoring program but also offers learning assistance in other subjects.

With HelpNow, tutors and students communicate in real time in an online classroom by typing, drawing, and marking-up lessons and web content. Plus, students can use a secure file sharing feature in the writing lab to submit writing assignments to writing tutors any time of the day. The Brainfuse full-service test center offers practice tests for all levels in math, reading, and writing as well as college preparatory tests – including the SAT.


Count UP One Sheet (English)
Count UP One Sheet (Spanish)