Tag: hoopla

Even more to love with hoopla

It seems like only yesterday patrons were asking for hoopla to come back, which we made happen. And now, we’re giving you more.

Through this beloved app, CALS has been offering access to graphic novels, movies, and TV shows. But starting today, we have even MORE access! With hoopla you can now download ebooks and audiobooks!

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MasterClass on Hoopla

Hoopla is an app that patrons are able to access through CALS for free. Patrons can “check out” movies, TV shows, and graphic novels. Recently, Hoopla has begun adding MasterClass to the roster of available videos. MasterClass videos are tutorials and lectures pre-recorded by experts in various fields. Currently, CALS has access to five MasterClasses,

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Hoopla Has Bonus Borrows for August!

If you’ve had a CALS card for any length of time, you probably know that we offer audio and digital books through the Libby app. But even the most experienced CALSian might not know about Hoopla. Hoopla is an app that offers a variety of digital media; at CALS, we use it to offer TV shows,

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Q&A with the CALS executive team

Nate Coulter, Executive Director
In November, the millage increase was passed; how are you using that extra money? 

We were so pleased that the citizens of Little Rock entrusted CALS with approximately 2.4M annually of much-needed additional funds. This was our first rate increase since 2007. We promised that the funds would be used to help pay our staff a living wage,

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What’s all the hoopla about?

When the millage was passed, we made a promise that the largest portion of the additional funds would be used on acquiring digital media. One way that we decided to do that was to reinstate a beloved application, Hoopla. Hoopla is a web and mobile library media streaming platform for comics, movies, music,

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