Arkansas Democrat-Gazette Historical Archive now available

CALS patrons now have digital access to the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette Historical Archive! Many of you know that the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette was split into two newspapers until they merged in 1991. This collection contains searchable, image edition issues of the Arkansas Gazette, Arkansas Democrat, and Arkansas Democrat-Gazette. This collection is available remotely so patrons can access this outside our libraries; you only need your library card number and PIN. You can access it here.

Here is a breakdown of the years this collection covers:

Arkansas Gazette: 1867-1991
Arkansas Democrat: 1947-1992
Arkansas Democrat-Gazette: 1992-1994
(Note: the two newspapers merged in 1991, and the first issues of the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette are included in the Arkansas Democrat Collection.)

This is combined with our already existing subscription, which includes:
Arkansas Democrat-Gazette: 1994-current (TEXT-ONLY edition) and 2017-current (Image edition – with a 30-day embargo for remote access)

Unfortunately, there are a few limitations; we do not have access to every issue of these newspapers currently, so there are a few gaps. Below is a list of what this collection does not cover and a refresher on how to access it:

Arkansas Gazette: 1819-May 1867
These issues can be accessed digitally through (at a CALS branch only, no remote access) or on microfilm located on the 2nd floor of Roberts Library in the Butler Center
Arkansas Democrat: October 1878-February 1923
These issues can be accessed digitally through (at a CALS branch only, no remote access) or on microfilm located on the 2nd floor of Roberts Library in the Butler Center
Arkansas Democrat: March 1923-July 1947
These issues are only available on microfilm located on the 2nd floor of Roberts Library in the Butler Center.
Arkansas Democrat-Gazette: March 1994-September 2017
These issues are available through this platform in a text-only format or on microfilm located on the 2nd floor of Roberts Library in the Butler Center.

Access all of the CALS research tools here.