Research Tools

ABC-Clio American History / African American Experience


This research tool provided via Traveler Access.

A unified search platform for two ABC-Clio databases on American History and the African American Experience.

  • American History – analyzes the politics, economics, and changing culture from the colonial era to the nation’s rise as a global superpower.
  • African American Experience – student learning modules on important biographies, scholarly articles, and historical images (includes primary sources).

African-American Heritage


This research tool provided via Traveler Access.

A resource exclusively devoted to African American family history research. Includes such records as draft cards from World Wars I and II, the Freedman’s Bank, and the US Census, as well as help finding other information sources.

Tags: Ancestry, Slave Trade, African-American Heritage, AfriGeneas


Also available in:

This research tool provided via Traveler Access.

Indexes thousands of articles, reports, and other documents pertaining to agriculture around the world. From the National Agricultural Library.

Tags: Agriculture, Wildlife, Climate, Forestry

Agriculture & Environmental Science Database

Also available in:

This research tool provided via Traveler Access.

Provides full-text titles from around the world, including scholarly journals, trade and industry journals, magazines, technical reports, conference proceedings, and government publications. This database includes specialized, editorially-curated A&I resources covering such topics as the effects of pollution on people and animals and environmental action and policy responses.

Tags: Pollution, Climate Change, Environmental Policy, Biodiversity, Conservation

American Physical Society (APS)


APS publishes journals that embody the society’s mission to advance the knowledge of physics. Databases listed in bold are available to CALS patrons inside the library only.

  • Physical Review Letters – brief important papers, all topics in physics.
  • Physical Review A – atomic, molecular, and optical physics.
  • Physical Review B – condensed matter and materials physics.
  • Physical Review C – nuclear physics.
  • Physical Review D – particles, fields, gravitation and cosmology.
  • Physical Review E – statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics.
  • Physical Review Special Topics – Accelerators and Beams.
  • Physical Review Special Topics – Physics Education Research
  • Physics – highlighting significant papers from APS journals.
  • PROLA, the Physical Review Online Archive – archive of APS journals back to 1893.
  • Reviews of Modern Physics – in-depth articles, all topics in physics.

Tags: Physics, Thermodynamics, Cosmology, General Relativity, Astrophysics

America’s News


New and expanded. Access World News Research Collection. Now featuring a wider variety of news including USA Today, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Pine Bluff Commercial, Times Record (Fort Smith) and many others from around the world. Look through the A-Z Source List or use the Map Search to find news from specific regions. Explore the Suggested Topics for trending events, upcoming holidays, famous people, social issues and more.

Ancestry Library Edition


Due to license restrictions, this research tool is available only to patrons when visiting a CALS location.

Includes census, church, court and immigration records, as well as historical maps and many other genealogy resources, from the United States, United Kingdom, Canada and other areas.

Tags: Heritage, Family History, Obituaries, Census, Burial Records

AR Bookfinder

Also available in:

The complete list of over 100,000 Accelerated Reader titles.

Tags: Accelerated Reader, AR Points, Teacher Resources, Elementary, Middle School, Libros en Español