Your Library Card: The most valuable card in your wallet
September is Library Card Sign-Up Month, and if you don’t have a CALS library card, you are missing out. This card is like extreme couponing on steroids. There are the obvious ways to save:
- Books. Instead of buying physical books or even paying to download copies, you have access to over one million pieces in the CALS collection.
- Specialty books. Most of our patrons are reading for pleasure, but what about those times when you need to do some hard core research? You have access to materials from libraries around the country through MOBIUS and our interlibrary loan program. Need a highly specialized book for your research project? If we don’t have it, chances are, we know how to get it for you.
But there are even more ways to squeeze value out of your card, like:
- Audiobooks. Don’t have time to sit and read? Listen while you drive (or do anything else, obviously) and knock out a few new favorites.
- Music. Did you know with Freegal you can download up to 5 songs per week and keep them FOREVER? Don’t have a favorite song this week? You can stream 24/7.
- Magazines. With our digital magazines you’re no longer stuck with the choice of what’s available at the doctors office; you can choose from over 3,000 titles from the popular to the niche.
- Movies. You didn’t think we just did books? That’s ok. Get specialize downloads through Libby from Overdrive or check out a DVD or Binge Box.
- Toys. If you have a child or have simply been around one for more than a short period of time, you will know that they get bored easily. The Toy Library allows you to borrow toys and bring them back. No more spending and, even better, no more clutter.
- Internet access. CALS offers more ways to plug in than you might realize. Come sit yourself down at one of our many computers and work away. Or grab a laptop and work wherever works best for you in the library. Or, if you’re more comfortable at home, take one of our 100 (and counting) hotspots home with you for two weeks.
- Tools. If you are a fledgling do-it-yourselfer, you might not have a giant collection of tools and it’s hard to fork over a large amount of money for a specific item you only plan on using once. Check that item out of the Tool Library and bring it back when you’re done.
- Essential Services. You might not always need things like a fax or a notary, but when you do, CALS has you covered. No appointment needed, just check the hours of your branch.
These are just the items that you can very easily put a dollar amount on. But what about things that are a bit less tangible? Like learning a new skill, grabbing a meal or just having a space to enjoy? Through a variety of programming targeted to kids, teens and even adults, your family can learn a variety of computer skills, play games or improve their writing skills (just to name a very few). And with our Be Mighty partnership, kids and teens have access to free meals. And with 15 branches across Pulaski and Perry Counties, there’s a place for you. You’re always welcome at the library.
If you live in the CALS service area and don’t have a card, you’re missing out on access to even more services than you might have imagined. And the best part is that your card and all this access is free! What are you waiting for? Sign up today!