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A few things to look for in our new catalog

  • Simplified Design –The benefit of starting fresh with completely new software is that the interface is intentionally clean and simple so that you can easily find what you need.
  • All Formats Grouped Together – Like our current catalog software and websites like Amazon, when you search for a book title, you’ll find all of the formats of the book – print, large print, ebook, audiobook, etc – grouped together.
  • Browse the Library Shelves Online
    • Whether you’re working from home, staying at home, or just too busy to visit the library in person, you probably rely on our online catalog more and more. But we know using the website means you can’t walk along our library shelves to discover new book.
    • Our new website has “Showcases” on display when you view a specific item to give you a similar experience to browsing the shelves. The Showcases will show books, articles, or movies on the same topic you just searched for or related topics that might also interest you.
  • Manage your Account and Keep a List – Just like before, after logging in you can see when your items are due, renew online, or manage your holds. Now you can also bookmark items to keep a list for a future reading list, book club possibilities, things your family might like—any reason at all.
  • Accessibility – Whether you use a screen reader or other assistive technology, our new catalog is designed to meet guidelines for an accessible website.

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