Tag: Little Rock

Made in Arkansas Film Festival Goes Virtual to Showcase Regional Talent

Whether you like horror films or comedies, this coming week will bring a unique opportunity to enjoy movies together online with your friends, near or far. The Made in Arkansas Film Festival 2020 is going virtual and interactive!

After the Little Rock Film Festival ended its run in 2015, Arkansas filmmakers had fewer opportunities to screen their work for the general public and to meet to exchange ideas or work together. 

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A New Name for the Arkansas Literary Festival Heralds a New Vision for Outreach

Little Rock is known for its many striking bridges, which make elegant silhouettes across the Arkansas River and provide pleasure to so many people who walk and bike the river trail. Our bridges light the night with color for all who enter and leave the city—a beautiful symbol of progress and hope.

Bridges take us across barriers that seem impassable.

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Performance Art Brings Suspense to the Bookstore at Library Square


The noises echoed into a silent room as the crowd held its breath on Second Friday Art Night.

“Raising the Bar”

David Carpenter, performance artist, was elevating a narrow beam higher and higher, using cement blocks and one iron girder.

But there was one catch: the entire time,

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