Earth Month at CALS

Looking for ways to get out into the beautiful state of Arkansas, give back to the earth and not spend any money? You know CALS is here with a stellar line-up of Earth Day events all April long. Find a full list of events in April in the latest program guide.


Park Passports – Visit any CALS Branch location and pick up your park passport, then visit at least 4 of the 10 parks on the push to visit an assortment of local parks to fill out your passports. Turn them back they can win parks-related prizes. Fill out your name and email and return your completed passport to your CALS branch for a chance to win park-related prizes.

Here’s this year’s list of parks:
Allsopp Park
Burns Park (NLR)
Cadron Settlement State Park (Conway)
Julius Breckling Riverfront Park
MacArthur Park
Murray Park
Pinnacle Mountain State Park
War Memorial Park
Wooly Hollow State Park (Greenbrier)
Wildwood Park for the Arts

Buffalo National River
Thursday, April 7, 7 p.m.
The Ozark Society will be doing a free screening of a documentary film celebrating their work of making the Buffalo River a nationally protected park.

Bicentennial of Frederick Law Olmstead Panel
Monday, April 14, 6:30 p.m.
CALS will be hosting a panel discussion to discuss public landscape architecture and the bicentennial of Frederick Law Olmstead. There was some talk at our meeting in late January that this may also include a “Flat Frederick” activity for the kids, copying “Flat Stanley.”

You and Nature at Night
Thursday, April 28, 6:30 p.m.
Did you know there are four different types of light pollution? And that too much lighting at night isn’t good for either people or wildlife? Light pollution is a global problem, but there’s increasing awareness and a global movement to reduce it. Join Bruce McMath, Chair of the Arkansas Night Sky Association (ANSA), and host Lynn Foster for a discussion of what ANSA is doing and what you and your community can do to help.

April Act of Kindness Grab & Go
Start a trash pick up in your own neighborhood or local park. Pick up a Grab & Go kit at Main to help you get started.

Low-Waste Art 
Monday, April 11 8 a.m.- 5p.m.
Get to the Terry Branch and create a work of art from their available upcycyled items.