31 Days of CALS: Free Tech Classes

Learn to use technology to make your life–and the world–better. If you’re a technology beginner or you’re looking to expand your skills, there’s a class for you.

If you’re a technology beginner, you can start out strong with our Computer Essentials classes. To hone your workplace skills, you can attend classes on Microsoft Office products, MailchimpCanvaInDesign, and other resume-builders. If you’re a creative type–or want to be–we can teach you about the Adobe Creative Cloud Suite (including Photoshop), video editingphotography, and even game development.

And of course, all classes are free of charge.

Learn More >

31 Days of CALS

Over the 31 days of December we’re looking back at whatever this year was, the ways we and other libraries have adapted during the pandemic, the things we’ve always loved about libraries, and some of the new things we look forward to sharing with you more in 2021.