Tag: open-lab

Pump Up Your Digital Skills This Month with CALS Virtual Classes

The month of May offers an exciting set of classes with live, online instruction from one of our digital skills experts, Nathan Smith.

Whether you want to edit videos, build a website with WordPress, or design marketing materials with Canva, Nathan has lots of experience teaching these skill sets. He will work with you through the Zoom platform,

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CALS Brings Digital Wizardry to Adult Learners with Free Technology Classes

Nathan Smith has a Lord of the Rings keepsake on his desk with a picture of Gandalf. That’s fitting, because as CALS Digital Literacy Specialist, Nathan works his own brand of wizardry to teach a variety of software programs to CALS patrons, all offered free of charge.

The first thing you notice about Nathan’s classes is that he is an excellent teacher.

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