Research Tools

Tripulantes de la Lectura (The Reading Crew)

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Biblioteca Digital Infantil y Juvenil

¡Disfruta este gran viaje por el mundo de la imaginación!

  • Tripulantes de la lectura es una plataforma que ofrece a los niños, docentes, y padres de familia un acervo bibliográfico para preescolar y primaria que puede ser disfrutado en cualquier lugar y momento.
  • Tripulantes de la lectura incorpora estrategias para apoyar el desarrollo lector de los niños, acordes con su edad y nivel escolar.
  • Los títulos de esta biblioteca son parte del acervo del Consejo Nacional de Fomento Educativo en México. (CONAFE)

Palabras clave: Comprensión de Lectura, Alfabetización, Biblioteca Digital, Libros, Imaginación

Children’s and Youth Digital Library

Enjoy this great journey through the world of imagination!

  • Reading Crew is a platform that offers girls and boys, teachers and parents a bibliographic collection for K-6 that can be enjoyed anywhere and at any time.
  • Reading Crew incorporates strategies to support the reading development of girls and boys, according to their age and school level.
  • The titles in this library are part of the collection of the National Council for Educational Development in Mexico. (CONAFE)

Tags: Reading Comprehension, Literacy, Digital Library, Books, Imagination

U.S. Newsstream

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This research tool provided via Traveler Access.

Provides the most recent premium U.S. news content, including archives as far back as the 1980s featuring newspapers, newswires, blogs, and news sites in active full-text format. For academic and public libraries, US Newsstream offers exclusive access to the Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, and co-exclusive access (with Factiva) to The Wall Street Journal. US Newsstream also offers one of the largest collections of local and regional newspapers, and is cross-searchable on the ProQuest platform.

Tags: News, Newspapers, Current Events, Current Affairs, Newswires

Universal Class

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(Register | Login)
Access more than 500 lifelong learning courses in over 30 subject areas, many of which offer continuing education units (CEUs). All classes are designed and led by professional instructors and include videos, assignments, quizzes, tests, and options for social media interaction with other learners. Patrons may take multiple classes and learn at their own pace.

Tags: Continuing Education, Online Learning, GED, Computer Basics, ESL, Research Skills, Web Design, Test Preparation, Programming Languages

USA Today


USA Today is America’s nationwide Monday through Friday newspaper.

Value Line Library Elite


Value Line Library Elite is a research tool with searchable stocks, investment research, and investment education. Value Line Library Elite provides access to approximately 3,400 stocks, data, expert analysis, and unbiased commentary with a time-tested and performance-proven Ranking System. Reports are updated weekly.

This research tool is limited to 5 simultaneous users. Please log out when you are finished. 

Tags: Finance, Economics, Stocks, Investment Research

Wall Street Journal


The Wall Street Journal delivers breaking business news, investment insight, and original market analysis that people rely on to make smarter professional and personal financial decisions.

Access The Wall Street Journal from anywhere! Simply click the link below and login with your library card number and PIN. You will then be prompted to create an account, and you can start using immediately. Your access will be available for the next 3 days. After 3 days, simply come back and click the below link again and login as an existing user with the same username and password you originally created.

NOTE: You are are not permitted to share the sign-on credentials with any other person. Any violation of this clause will result in Dow Jones terminating access for the Central Arkansas Library  System.

World Book

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This research tool provided via Traveler Access.

Portal to World Book products available through the Traveler program:


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Search the collections of libraries in this community and around the country to find books, music, movies, etc.

Tags: ILL, Interlibrary Loan, Resource Sharing, Library Collections