Research Tools by Subject: Books



Are you looking for a few good books to read? Sign up for our e-newsletters and get great book suggestions by email. We’ll deliver reading lists right to your inbox along with new gems, bestsellers, and related titles. You’ll also be able to check immediately whether the items are available at your local Library or whether they’ve been checked out.

Tags: Newsletter, Book Recommendations, Reader’s Advisory, New Books, Fiction, Nonfiction, New York Times Bestsellers, NYT Bestsellers

Novelist Plus

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Includes subject headings, reviews, summaries and more for over 135,000 fiction titles. Use Novelist to find other books by a favorite author, or similar books to a title you’ve already read.

Tags: Reader’s Advisory, Book Recommendations, Book Reviews, Libros en Español

Novelist Plus K-8

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Includes information on many titles popular with students in grades K-8, arranged by instructional unit, theme or topic. Teachers can find appropriate fiction to complement classroom instruction.

Tags: Teacher Resources, Educator Resources, Book Recommendations, Reader’s Advisory, Libros en Español

Tripulantes de la Lectura (The Reading Crew)

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Biblioteca Digital Infantil y Juvenil

¡Disfruta este gran viaje por el mundo de la imaginación!

  • Tripulantes de la lectura es una plataforma que ofrece a los niños, docentes, y padres de familia un acervo bibliográfico para preescolar y primaria que puede ser disfrutado en cualquier lugar y momento.
  • Tripulantes de la lectura incorpora estrategias para apoyar el desarrollo lector de los niños, acordes con su edad y nivel escolar.
  • Los títulos de esta biblioteca son parte del acervo del Consejo Nacional de Fomento Educativo en México. (CONAFE)

Palabras clave: Comprensión de Lectura, Alfabetización, Biblioteca Digital, Libros, Imaginación

Children’s and Youth Digital Library

Enjoy this great journey through the world of imagination!

  • Reading Crew is a platform that offers girls and boys, teachers and parents a bibliographic collection for K-6 that can be enjoyed anywhere and at any time.
  • Reading Crew incorporates strategies to support the reading development of girls and boys, according to their age and school level.
  • The titles in this library are part of the collection of the National Council for Educational Development in Mexico. (CONAFE)

Tags: Reading Comprehension, Literacy, Digital Library, Books, Imagination


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Search the collections of libraries in this community and around the country to find books, music, movies, etc.

Tags: ILL, Interlibrary Loan, Resource Sharing, Library Collections