Videography & Photography

The Central Arkansas Library System’s priority is to provide library services to our community, as described in the Library’s Mission Statement. The library is a limited public forum, and videography and photography are allowed only to the extent it does not interfere with the provision of library services and is consistent with the Library’s Rules of Conduct and Mission Statement.

Amateur Photography

Amateur photography and video recording are permitted. Use of lights, tripods, and other accessories should not limit or impair other people’s use of the library. No filming of staff members in offices, workrooms, and other non-public areas can occur unless those persons grant their consent to be filmed.

After-Hours Commercial Photography

The Central Arkansas Library System may make its properties available for commercial filming or photo shoots during hours when the library is not open to the public. Arrangements must be made with the manager for each request. Hourly fees for after-hours photography may apply.

Exterior Photography

Taking photographs and videos outside the Library’s buildings and/or of the library grounds does not require permission. However, the activity may not impede the ingress or egress of patrons or staff to or from the buildings.

Photography in Meeting Rooms

Groups meeting in meeting rooms may arrange for photographers and news media during their events. Such photography is restricted to space reserved by the group and may not take place in other areas of the library.

Research Photography

The library permits research photography of its materials and resources within certain limitations. Researchers are responsible for obtaining their own permissions when photographing copyrighted material. Additional permissions must be obtained to photograph items in special collections and may in some cases be restricted or involve a fee. Please discuss your needs with a staff member in these areas before planning your project, to obtain advance authorization.

Staff Responsibilities

Library staff may terminate any recording session that appears to compromise public privacy, safety, or security, or that violates the Library’s Rules of Conduct.

Unless patrons specifically request otherwise, people attending library programs give the library permission to use their image in promotional materials and on social media.

Staff will ensure that signage is posted somewhere within each Library facility about photography-related procedures.

Staff will not attach real names to people in Library photos unless we have signed photo releases. Staff will not take photographs that depict what materials patrons are checking out without a signed release. This does not apply to patrons who are buying books at library sales or simply looking at books.

Photographer Responsibilities

Photographers must get release/permission forms from people they photograph when required. The library is not liable for damages or injuries sustained as part of recording photos or videos.

Policy Information

Board Policy #407
Board Approval: 8/25/22