Storytime at CALS

Nothing is more central to the Central Arkansas Library System than storytime. But, in 2021, we’re trying something new. There will be a virtual storytime every week day at 10:00am on our CALS Kids Facebook page. Each Monday, we’ll have Kids in the Kitchen Storytime, with food-related books and activities. Every Tuesday will be Baby & Toddler Storytime, with age-appropriate books, sing-alongs, puppet shows, and more. Wednesdays are reserved for Preschool Storytime and Thursdays will be devoted to a Read Aloud Storytime. Fridays will be a mix of different storytime offerings, including occasional guest readers from outside the library.

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Storytime Archive

CALS has been producing virtual storytime videos since the beginning of the pandemic. If you’d like to revisit a storytime from the past year, please scroll through the archive below or visit our storytime playlist on YouTube.