Imagining Black Futures

What are your ancestors’ wildest dreams? What do you think the future of freedom looks like? How can we preserve our cultural roots as we enter a new era?

“Imagining Black Futures: Young Artists Envision Afrofuturism” invites young artists to explore themes of Black identity, autonomy, and liberation through the lens of Afrofuturism. Black/Afro-diasporic artists enrolled in 9th through 12th grade may submit original artwork for consideration. Homeschooled students and teenage artists in nontraditional schooling/GEDs may also participate.

Accepted media include paintings, finished ink/pastel/multimedia drawings, printmaking, photography, videography (not exceeding 5 minutes), fiber/textile art, jewelry, and sculpture. Afro-indigenous art forms (including modern iterations) are encouraged as well, including personal adornment (nail art, hair art, jewelry) and masks. AI-generated content will not be accepted under any circumstances. Two cash prizes will be offered!

Gallery space is limited. Artwork will be selected by a juried committee.

Artwork Submission

Please include 1-2 digital photos of your artwork (.jpg format) with your application. Photos may be printed and attached to paper submissions, uploaded via digital submission form, or sent via email. Videography entries must be no longer than 5 minutes. Photos or video entries can be submitted via email to Jet ( When sending digital files, please name your files as “FirstnameLastname_ArtworkTitle” and attach to the email.

Official applications will be available digitally and at your local CALS library beginning September 3rd. The submission window will end February 1, 2025. Please email Jet at with any questions.

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