Drug-Free Workplace
Federal Public Law 100-690 (Nov. 18, 1988) being 41 United States Code 701 subtitle D – “Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988” requires that any agency reapplying for or receiving Federal Funds must certify that the receiving/applying agency will provide a drug-free workplace.
Section 5152(a)(1) of Title 42 USC 701 requires that every qualifying agency must publish a statement of the agency’s drug-free workplace policies.
Section 5152(c) requires that all employees receiving/applying for Federal Funds must be given a copy of these policies.
Pursuant to 41 USC 701 Central Arkansas Library System (CALS) has established a drug-free workplace policy that addresses the use of drugs in the workplace. The Board approves Human Resources and the Executive Director to develop a policy that is in line with federal and state laws.