Authorization for Ancillary Fees, Charges & Fines
The Executive Director of the Central Arkansas Library System (CALS) is authorized to set reasonable fees, charges, and fines for ancillary services and programs provided by CALS. These ancillary services and programs include, but are not limited to, parking fees and fines, inter-library loan services, FAX service fees, photo copying and printing fees, phone calls, meeting room use, use of library property for private events, off-campus research services, special speakers, musical events, plays, films, and similar services and programs. Generally, fees are imposed to cover operating costs of a particular service and/or program while fines are imposed when library rules are violated.
CALS does not typically charge for the use of small meeting rooms during regular hours. However, CALS reserves the right to impose use fees on any of its meeting rooms and to charge users for such costs as set-up, take-down, and clean-up costs incurred by the library due to the use of the space.
CALS provides limited free research for patrons accessing the holdings of the system by email, mail, or telephone. However, CALS cannot conduct such research for free if it involves more time than the staff would typically spend in assisting in-house users. Therefore, CALS reserves the right to charge off-premise users a reasonable fee for such services, including any copying cost associated with the work.
CALS tries to provide free programming for patrons but may charge reasonable fees for those persons attending larger and more expensive programs such as special speakers, festivals, musical performances, plays, films, and similar activities.
All fees and fines shall be approved by the Executive Director and reflected in associated public service, administrative or policy documents. All fees, fines and other charges that have been used in the past are hereby ratified and deemed appropriate.