Pickle enthusiasts rejoice for Serreta Boson’s pickles
Serreta Boson is not a fan of pickles. However, she is a fan of recognizing opportunity when it knocks and for creating generational wealth for her family- generations past and present.
She was born of a man, an Army veteran, nicknamed “Sarge” who worked hard and provided, the model that shaped Boson’s work ethic and resolve. After experiencing a life debilitating health crisis, Benson yearned to “do something” to independently support herself and her family. When the challenge arose, Benson rose to meet it; and that is just how Sarge’s Famous Pickles was created.
Boson began to produce uniquely flavored pickles as a means to an end. The pickles always sold out completely within hours. Within months, word spread about Benson’s ability to connect with customers and to create interesting flavor profiles that appealed to palettes and taste buds across the board. Opportunities to demonstrate production methods and merchandise the products grew to include national retailers like Pottery Barn and Williams Sonoma.
Boson began to work with the Rock It! Lab team to collaborate on best practices to grow and scale. The first order of business was to understand legalities to protect her brand and recipes. The Rock It! Lab team, who are all equipped with first-hand experience in advanced business development activities, assisted Boson with arranging meetings with intellectual property attorneys to protect not only her recipes, but more importantly, The Boson family’s financial future.
“The pickles, for me, are a vehicle to build wealth for my family. I used to view this work as just creating and running a business, but after rethinking how business ownership can really shape personal finances, I now view it as a path to wealth creation.”
In fall of 2022, the Rock It! Lab connected Boson with a statewide bus tour, sponsored by the Black entrepreneurial support organization ReMix Ideas, that introduced her to other business mavens in Arkansas. Through this tour were days of exposure and networking, two critical components for growth in any endeavor, especially for new Black founders.
“The bus tour was life changing. I met so many amazing people and saw what was possible. People told me to keep in contact, and I have. The mentoring that I’ve received so far has been a blessing.”
Boson was so inspired during the week, that an evolved plan is now in the making for 2023; stay tuned.
For now, her current line can be found in: The River Shops, in the River Market downtown Little Rock; K. Hall Sons and Produce, Little Rock; and The Filling Station, North Little Rock.